Launch at Cape Canaveral

Two separate launches known as 6 and 7 were made at the Cape. Lots of hard work - but not all work.

A Space Oddity part 1

Don Renfro came to work for our group as a draftsman.  But he was also proficient at movie making and had his own 16mm camera.  While in Cape Canaveral, he shot the movie that is now called "Mariner Mars 1969: A Space Oddity".  This title is not apparent from watching the movie, since the two pieces of the title are separated by about a minute of film.  It was meant as a reference to the then very popular Stanley Kubrik film "2001:  A Space Odyssey".

A Space Oddity part 2

The film did capture the flavor of life at the Cape, where we all palled around together and raced our rented muscle cars back and forth from the trailer to the motel and numerous bars that serviced the Cape personnel.  It is a wonder that we survived.

Renfro also did some work with Carol Doda of North Beach.  She was famous then for enhanced chest bumps, and Don felt that she deserved to enhance our Space Oddity film as well.  I believe she is still at North Beach as a successful club owner, but no longer performing.